Friday, June 25, 2010

Getting Your Toddler To Listen

1. Toddlers are just like the rest of us - they don't always listen

2. At their age, they need you to teach them how to pay attention

3. But what often happen?? Is that parent say something 10 times, then they start counting down to punishment. What this does is actually condition the child not to listen until the tenth time

4. By not listen, your child is getting your attention (though constant nagging isn't the best form of it)

5. Being a good listener help your child learn more effectively, heed danger signals, get along better with you and her teachers and other adults she'll be expected respect and make a better friends.

6. It's never too early to begin teaching your child. A toddler may not listen as well as a 5 years old but she still has a lots of these skills.

7. Get on her level
-Squat down or pick your child up, so you can look her in the eye and grab her attention
-She'll listen much more closely if you sit down next to her.

8. Be clear
-State your message clearly, simply and authoritatively
-Your child will zone out if you harp a topic too long
-Don't phrase something as a question if your child doesn't actually have a choice

9. Follow though-quickly
-Make it clear that you mean what you say and don't make threats or promises - you won' keep
-Don't fall into the trap of repeating less urgent instruction over and over again before expecting your child to comply

10. Reinforce your message
-Example : Say 'time for bed' and then give a visual cue (flicking the light switch on and off), a physical cue (laying a hand on her shoulder to gently pull her attention away from her doll and toward you) and a demonstration (steering her toward her bed, pulling down the covers and patting the pillow)

11. Give warnings
-Give your child some advance notice before a big change will take place, especially if she's happily involved with toys or a friends
-Example : before you're ready to leave the house, tell her 'We're going to leave in a few minutes. When i call you. it's time to come out of the sandbox and wash your hands'

12 Give realistic instructions
-Example : give him realistic tasks like 'let's put the yellow blocks away.' etc

13. Motivate
-Yelling orders may produce results (in some children) but no one will enjoy the process
-Most children respond best when you treat them with confident good humor.
-Example : Occasionally use a silly voice or a song to deliver your message
-Praise her when she finishes the activities

14 Model good behavior
-Preschoolers will be better listener if they see that you are a good listener too
Make it habit to listen to your child as respectfully as you would to any adults
-Look at her when she talk to you, respond politely and let her finish without interrupting whenever possible
-'Do as i say, no do as i do' - has no value when teaching your children to listen

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